ChangeMakers: The Power to Shape a Sustainable Future

Ideas set in motion can change the world. From recognizing our deep connection with the Earth and environment, to innovations that make sustainability possible, to people who inspire new ways of thinking—change happens in unexpected, extraordinary, as well as subtle, quiet ways. But how do ideas lead to real change? Innovators in many fields show us how. ChangeMakers explores the work of individuals driving progress toward a sustainable future. It explores the creation and sharing of ideas, partnerships across communities, demographic shifts in practicing and citizen scientists, changes in business and industry, technological advances, and advocacy through education and activism. These efforts transform perspectives, practice, and policy. ChangeMakers highlights people whose insights, strategies, and ambitions result in change, both small and large, moving us toward a sustainable future.

This event brings together individuals and groups interested in innovative approaches to ensure a healthy, livable planet for all. We seek to raise awareness, foster collaboration, build community, and most importantly take action.

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